+998 (55) 301 0009   Karakul, Uzbekistan
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Frequently Asked Questions


Students who have graduated from Grade 11 or Lyceum are eligible to apply for all undergraduate programmes offered by Acharya University. The admission will be made only on a merit basis, based on the performance in the Entrance Test.
The applications will open on the 23rd of June and shall close on the 30th of June 2023 for the first round of applications
Applications are available only online, you may visit
Grade 11 or Lyceum certification and Personal Identity card need to be submitted
Letters of recommendation are not mandatory
The Application fee will be charged at USD $2.
Merit-based scholarships (Grants) are offered to students who top the entrance examinations. Shortlisted students will be called for one to one interview post which the scholarship (Grant) awardees will be announced
Only Acharya University Entrance Test (AUET) is the recognised mode of seeking admission at Acharya University
There is no minimum GPA requirement however a minimum successful completion is required to be eligible to appear in the entrance examination
There are specific requirements for admission to programmes, students will be given the options of the specialization during counselling after AUET. Students have the option of selecting up to 2 options during their application process.
The transfer of credit option will be available only from the 2024-2025 academic year.


1. How are the examinations conducted at your university?

The Examinations are currently being held in offline mode. It will be a pen-and-paper examination with multiple-choice questions.
The examination will be in Multiple Choice Questions format and would contain questions from Math, Logical Reasoning and English
The Entrance Test for the academic year 2023-2024 will be conducted only once, however, based on the volume of applications the tests may be repeated once or twice.
The Duration of the Entrance Test will be for 180 minutes (3 hours)
For the academic year 2023-24, entrance tests will be held in Examination Centers. Based on the applications students will be allotted centers nearest to their location. All tests will be physically monitored.
Yes, there are certain strict guidelines that students must follow during their entrance tests, the details of which are on the website of Acharya University ( or the counselor can send them to you on your telegram upon request.
The entrance test is based on the high school curriculum of Uzbekistan. A model question paper is available on the Acharya University Website
Sorry, currently we do not have any option for student accommodations during entrance examinations.
Each correct answer in the Entrance Test will earn you 1 point. There are no negative markings. The answer keys to the questions will be announced on the website ( within 24 hrs of the entrance test. The results and rank list will be announced within 2-3 days from the completion of the examination.
Each correct answer in the Entrance Test will earn you 1 point. There is no negative marking.
Sorry, there is no option for re-evaluation or appeal. The entire test process is completely computer driven with very little human involvement. However, the student is free to re-register for the next Entrance Test if they would like to improve their performance.
Any student found involved in any kind of malpractice during the entrance test will be debarred from the hall immediately and may not be allowed to reappear again.
Currently, only pen and paper examination is offered however online entrance examinations will soon be initiated.
The University has tried its best to ensure all our aspirants are able to appear for the Entrance test by designing the calendar free from other examinations, government holidays etc. In a scenario the aspirant is not available for the test on the advertised dates, they must await the next date announcement.
Acharya University will use its own proprietary software for all its examination and evaluation processes.
The Entrance test will be based on the High School curriculum of Uzbekistan.
Students are only allowed to carry Black Ball Pens and their Hall Tickets into the test centre. Other devices, gadgets, and stationery are NOT ALLOWED.

Orientation & Registration

Student orientation will be conducted to make the transition of a student from school to university as smooth as possible. The Orientation will be held in September 2023. A detailed orientation schedule will be sent to the students 15 days prior to the start.
In the first year of academics, students will be undergoing core training in the core curriculum. Selection of courses will begin in the 2nd year. Student proctors will guide the students through the process. An academic counsellor will also be available on campus to help students identify the right courses.
There are no specific guidelines for programme selection. Allotment of a programme of choice will be based on the merit and the number of applicants for the said programme.
The University’s online portal can be accessed through its website
In the first year of academics, students will be undergoing core training in the core curriculum. Selection of courses will begin in the 2nd year. Student proctors will guide the students through the process. An academic counsellor will also be available on campus to help students identify the right courses.

Academic Life

Students will undergo learning in a semester-based module and classes for the first semester will begin in the month of September 2023. Students will have access to a detailed academic calendar through their Acharya Student Portal Login which will be provided to the student during orientation.
The average class size will be 40-50 students per class. The student-faculty ratio will be around 1:20
Various international exchanges and pathways will be offered to the students of Acharya University. Summer exchange, Winter exchange, credit transfer, semester abroad and other opportunities will be offered to the students.
Student proctors will guide the students through the various opportunities to improve their student life on campus. Students will have the opportunity of being in the Varsity of Acharya University. They can choose from the many academic and extracurricular student activity clubs on the campus

Student Support

At Acharya University, we prioritize the well-being and success of our students. To ensure a supportive and enriching environment, we offer various student support services. Some of the key services available on campus include:

a) Counseling Services: We have trained counsellors who provide confidential counselling services to students. Whether you're facing academic challenges, personal issues, or emotional concerns, our counsellors are here to listen, provide guidance, and help you develop strategies for success.

b) Academic Support: We understand that students may need assistance with their coursework or study techniques. Our academic support services include tutoring, study groups, and workshops to help you enhance your academic skills and succeed in your courses.

c) Career Services: We offer career counselling, job placement assistance, and guidance on internships and co-op opportunities. Our career services team can help you explore career options, develop your resume and interview skills, and connect you with industry professionals.

d) Health Services: The university has a health center on campus staffed with medical professionals who can address basic health needs, provide medical advice, and offer referrals when necessary. Regular health check-ups and health awareness programs are also conducted to promote student well-being.

e) Disability Support: We are committed to providing equal opportunities for students with disabilities. Our disability support services team works closely with students to provide accommodations, assistive technologies, and support services that enable them to fully participate in academic and campus life.

f) Personality Development Programs: We organize workshops, seminars, and personality development programs to enhance your interpersonal skills, leadership abilities, and overall personal growth. These programs aim to cultivate well-rounded individuals and prepare you for future challenges.

g) Student Clubs and Activities: We encourage student engagement and offer a variety of student clubs and organizations to cater to diverse interests. These clubs provide opportunities for networking, skill-building, and pursuing hobbies outside of academics.

These are just a few examples of the student support services available at Acharya University. We are dedicated to fostering a supportive and inclusive campus community where students can thrive academically, emotionally, and socially.
Absolutely! At Acharya University, we recognize the importance of career development and providing resources to help students secure internships and employment opportunities after graduation. Our career services department is dedicated to supporting students in their career journey. Here are some of the career services and job placement resources we offer:

Internship Assistance: We facilitate connections with various companies and organizations to provide internship opportunities for our students. Our career services team works closely with industry partners to identify internships that align with students' fields of study and career interests.

Job Placement Support: We provide job placement assistance to graduating students. Our career services team helps students with resume writing, interview preparation, and job search strategies. We also organize job fairs and networking events where students can meet potential employers and explore job opportunities.

Career Counselling: Our career counsellors are available to guide students through the career exploration process. They provide one-on-one counselling sessions to help students identify their strengths, interests, and career goals. They also offer advice on career pathways, industry trends, and professional development.

Alumni Network: We have a strong alumni network through our India campus that students can tap into for mentorship and networking opportunities. Alumni often participate in career panels, workshops, and networking events to share their experiences and offer guidance to current students.

Industry Partnerships: We foster relationships with local and national businesses, organizations, and industry professionals. These partnerships enable us to provide students with access to industry-specific workshops, guest lectures, and networking opportunities, creating a bridge between academia and the job market.

Professional Development Workshops: We organize workshops and seminars on topics such as resume writing, job search strategies, interview skills, and professional etiquette. These workshops aim to enhance students' employability skills and prepare them for the workforce.

Job Portals and Resources: We maintain an online job portal where students can find internships and job listings from various industries. Additionally, we provide access to career resources, including databases, industry research tools, and online career development platforms.

Our goal is to equip students with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to succeed in their chosen careers. We are committed to supporting students throughout their academic journey and beyond, helping them transition into the professional world successfully.
Certainly! Acharya University understands the importance of providing comfortable and convenient housing options for students. We offer both on-campus and off-campus accommodation choices to suit the diverse needs and preferences of our students. Here's some information about housing options: On-Campus Accommodation: (Available from September 2024)

Hostel Facilities: The university has modern and well-maintained hostels on campus, providing safe and comfortable living spaces for students. The hostels are equipped with amenities such as furnished rooms, common areas, study rooms, laundry facilities, and 24/7 security. Separate hostels are available for male and female students.

Room Types: The hostels offer a variety of room types, including single rooms, double rooms, and shared rooms, depending on availability. Each room is typically furnished with beds, study tables, chairs, and storage units. Bathroom facilities are either shared or attached, depending on the room type.

Dining Facilities: On-campus dining options are available, including mess or cafeteria facilities, where students can enjoy nutritious meals. The meals provided are typically vegetarian, but options for special dietary needs are also considered.

Community and Facilities: Living on campus provides students with opportunities for a vibrant community experience. They can engage in various recreational activities, participate in student events, and make friends easily. Additionally, on-campus facilities like sports complexes, libraries, and study spaces are easily accessible.

Off-Campus Accommodation: (Available from September 2023)

Rental Apartments: Some students may prefer to live off-campus in privately-owned apartments or houses. Karakul has a range of rental accommodations available in close proximity to the university. Students can explore options through local real estate agents, online platforms, or through recommendations from the university.

Shared Accommodations: Students also have the option to share apartments or houses with fellow students, which can help reduce living expenses and foster a sense of community.

It's important to note that housing options, availability, and costs may vary each year, so it's recommended to reach out to the university's housing department or designated authorities for the most up-to-date information and assistance regarding housing arrangements.

At Acharya University, we strive to create a comfortable and supportive living environment for our students, whether they choose to live on or off campus. Our aim is to ensure that students have a conducive living space that complements their academic pursuits and overall well-being.

Yes, campus safety is a top priority at Acharya University. We have implemented several measures to ensure the safety and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff. Here are some of the campus safety measures in place:

Security Personnel: Trained security personnel are stationed throughout the campus to maintain a safe and secure environment. They monitor the premises, conduct regular patrols, and ensure that access to campus facilities is controlled.

CCTV Surveillance: Closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras are strategically placed across the campus, including common areas, entrances, and parking lots, to monitor activities and enhance campus security.

Emergency Response Systems: We have established an emergency response system that includes fire alarms, emergency exits, and evacuation procedures. In case of any emergency, students, faculty, and staff are trained on the appropriate actions to take to ensure their safety.

Security Escorts: In certain situations, such as during late hours or when requested, security escorts may be available to accompany students, particularly if they have concerns about walking alone on campus.

Access Control: To maintain campus security, access to buildings and certain areas is controlled through key card systems or other security mechanisms. This helps ensure that only authorized individuals can enter specific areas of the campus.

Safety Awareness and Training: Regular safety awareness campaigns, workshops, and training sessions are conducted to educate the campus community about personal safety, emergency response protocols, and general security measures.

Collaboration with Local Authorities: We maintain strong ties and collaborate with local law enforcement agencies to ensure a prompt response to any safety or security concerns on campus.

It's important for students, faculty, and staff to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities or concerns to the appropriate authorities. Additionally, students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with campus safety policies and emergency procedures to ensure they are prepared in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

Please note that specific campus safety measures and protocols may vary, so it's advisable to reach out to the university's administration or security department for detailed information regarding safety measures and resources available on campus.


Accessing the library at Acharya University is simple, and we offer a wide range of resources to support research and studying. Here's how you can access the library and an overview of the resources available:

Accessing the Library: Library Membership: As a student of Acharya University, you will automatically have access to the university library. You will be issued a library card that you can use to borrow books and access other resources.

Library Hours: The library operates during regular university hours, and the specific opening and closing times may vary. It's advisable to check the library's schedule, which is usually posted at the library entrance.

Library Resources

Physical Collections: The library houses a vast collection of books, journals, reference materials, and other physical resources. These resources cover various subjects, including IT, technology, sciences, humanities, and more. You can borrow books and other physical materials from the library for a designated period.

Online Databases and E-resources: The library provides access to a wide range of online databases, e-journals, e-books, and other digital resources. These resources can be accessed remotely from any internet-connected device, allowing you to conduct research, access scholarly articles, and gather information online.

Reference and Research Assistance: The library staff members are available to provide assistance and guidance with your research needs. They can help you navigate the library's resources, locate specific materials, and offer support in using online databases effectively.

Study Spaces: The library provides dedicated study spaces where you can work individually or in groups. These spaces are designed to facilitate focused study and research. You may find individual study carrels, tables, and seating areas that cater to different learning preferences.

Computer Facilities and Printing: The library usually offers computer facilities equipped with necessary software and internet access for research and academic purposes. Additionally, printing and photocopying services may be available for a nominal fee.

Remember to familiarize yourself with the library's policies, including borrowing periods, renewal options, and any restrictions on certain resources or equipment.

For more specific details about the library's resources, services, and operating hours, we recommend visiting the university's website or contacting the library directly. The library staff will be happy to assist you in utilizing the available resources effectively for your research and studying needs.


Yes, Acharya University offers internship programs to provide students with valuable practical work experience during their studies. These programs are designed to bridge the gap between academic learning and real-world application, helping students develop skills, gain industry exposure, and enhance their employability. Here's an overview of the internship and co-op programs at Acharya University:
Internship Programs

Industry Partnerships: The university collaborates with a wide range of companies, organizations, and industry partners to offer internship opportunities to students. These partnerships provide access to internships across various sectors, including IT, technology, engineering, business, and more

Academic Integration: Internships are typically integrated into the academic curriculum, allowing students to earn academic credits while gaining practical experience. Faculty members work closely with students and industry supervisors to ensure that the internship aligns with the students' learning goals and program requirements.

Duration and Timing: Internship durations may vary, ranging from a few weeks to several months. The timing of internships may also vary, with some opportunities available during semester breaks or as part of a dedicated internship semester.

Support and Guidance: The university's career services team and faculty mentors provide support and guidance throughout the internship process. They assist students in finding suitable internship placements, preparing application materials, and guiding them through the internship experience.

At Acharya University, we recognize the importance of career development and providing resources to help students secure internships and employment opportunities after graduation. Our career services department is dedicated to supporting students in their career journey. Here are some of the career services and job placement resources we offer:

Internship Assistance: We facilitate connections with various companies and organizations to provide internship opportunities for our students. Our career services team works closely with industry partners to identify internships that align with students' fields of study and career interests.

Job Placement Support: We provide job placement assistance to graduating students. Our career services team helps students with resume writing, interview preparation, and job search strategies. We also organize job fairs and networking events where students can meet potential employers and explore job opportunities.

Career Counselling: Our career counsellors are available to guide students through the career exploration process. They provide one-on-one counselling sessions to help students identify their strengths, interests, and career goals. They also offer advice on career pathways, industry trends, and professional development.

Alumni Network: We have a strong alumni network through our India campus that students can tap into for mentorship and networking opportunities. Alumni often participate in career panels, workshops, and networking events to share their experiences and offer guidance to current students.

Industry Partnerships: We foster relationships with local and national businesses, organizations, and industry professionals. These partnerships enable us to provide students with access to industry-specific workshops, guest lectures, and networking opportunities, creating a bridge between academia and the job market.

Professional Development Workshops: We organize workshops and seminars on topics such as resume writing, job search strategies, interview skills, and professional etiquette. These workshops aim to enhance students' employability skills and prepare them for the workforce.

Job Portals and Resources: We maintain an online job portal where students can find internships and job listings from various industries. Additionally, we provide access to career resources, including databases, industry research tools, and online career development platforms.

Our goal is to equip students with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to succeed in their chosen careers. We are committed to supporting students throughout their academic journey and beyond, helping them transition into the professional world successfully
Yes, Acharya University organizes networking events and career fairs to provide students with opportunities to connect with industry professionals, explore career options, and build valuable connections. These events are designed to enhance students' career prospects and facilitate interaction between students and potential employers. Here's some information about networking events and career fairs at Acharya University:
Networking Events

Industry Talks and Guest Lectures: The university invites industry experts, professionals, and alumni to deliver guest lectures and talks on various topics related to career development, industry trends, and professional insights. These events allow students to learn from experienced individuals and expand their industry knowledge.

Panel Discussions and Workshops: Acharya University organizes panel discussions and workshops where professionals from different sectors share their expertise and engage in interactive sessions with students. These events provide opportunities for students to ask questions, gain insights, and network with industry representatives.

Alumni Networking Events: The university hosts alumni networking events where former students can connect with current students. These events facilitate mentorship opportunities, knowledge sharing, and networking with professionals who have graduated from Acharya University.

Career Fairs

On-Campus Career Fairs: Acharya University organizes on-campus career fairs where students have the opportunity to interact with representatives from a variety of companies, organizations, and industries. These fairs allow students to learn about job opportunities, internships, co-op programs, and other career-related information.

Industry-Specific Career Fairs: The university may also organize industry-specific career fairs that focus on a particular field or sector. These events bring together employers and students who are specifically interested in that industry, providing targeted networking and recruitment opportunities.

Resume Clinics and Mock Interviews: Alongside career fairs, the university may offer resume clinics and mock interview sessions. These activities help students refine their resumes, practice their interview skills, and receive feedback from professionals, enhancing their job readiness.

Attending networking events and career fairs can be an excellent way for students to make connections, explore career options, and gain insights into the job market. These events provide platforms for students to showcase their skills, learn from professionals, and potentially secure internships or job opportunities.

To stay updated on upcoming networking events, career fairs, and related activities, we recommend regularly checking the university's event calendar, career services announcements, and official communications.
The specific requirements and eligibility criteria to participate in internships at Acharya University may vary depending on the programme, industry, and specific internship opportunities. However, here are some general factors that are often considered:

Academic Standing: Most internships require students to be enrolled in a degree programme at Acharya University. The specific academic standing or year of study required may vary depending on the internship and its prerequisites. Some internships may be open to students with multiple years of study, while others may have specific requirements for upper-level students.

Field of Study: Internships are often aligned with specific fields of study, such as IT, technology, engineering, business, or related disciplines. The eligibility for an internship may depend on your major or specialization. Some internships may have specific technical or subject knowledge requirements.

GPA: Some internships may have minimum GPA requirements. Employers may look for students who have maintained a certain level of academic performance to ensure they are serious about their studies and have a strong work ethic.

Skills and Qualifications Certain internships may require specific skills or qualifications. These can include programming languages, software proficiency, communication skills, teamwork abilities, or any other relevant skills related to the internship role. The specific requirements will depend on the nature of the internship and the expectations of the employer.

Application Process: Internship opportunities typically involve an application process, which may include submitting a resume, a cover letter, and sometimes additional application materials. It's important to carefully follow the instructions provided by the employer or internship coordinator regarding the application process and any specific requirements.

It's important to note that internships can be highly competitive, and meeting the basic eligibility criteria does not guarantee placement. The availability of internships may also depend on external factors such as industry demands and employer requirements.

To obtain detailed information about specific internship opportunities and their eligibility requirements, we recommend reaching out to the career services department or the designated internship coordinator at Acharya University. They will be able to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding internship opportunities and the corresponding eligibility criteria.

The payment status of internships at Acharya University can vary depending on several factors, including the specific internship program, the industry, and the employer's policies. Internships may be paid, unpaid, or a combination of both. Here are the different possibilities:

Paid Internships: Some internships at Acharya University may offer financial compensation to students for their work. The payment can be in the form of a stipend or salary. The amount of payment can vary depending on factors such as the industry, the nature of the work, the duration of the internship, and the employer's policies. Paid internships typically provide students with the opportunity to gain practical experience while earning some income.

Unpaid Internships: Some internships may not provide financial compensation to students. Unpaid internships often focus on providing valuable learning experiences and practical exposure to the industry. While students may not receive monetary payment, they can benefit from the skills, knowledge, and networking opportunities gained during the internship.

Combination of Paid and Unpaid: In certain cases, internships may offer a combination of paid and unpaid components. For example, an internship program may have an initial unpaid training period, followed by a paid phase once the student has acquired specific skills or met certain performance criteria. This structure allows students to gradually transition into a paid internship as they progress and demonstrate their capabilities.

It's important to note that the availability and nature of paid or unpaid internships can vary across industries and individual employers. It's recommended to carefully review the internship details, including any compensation-related information, when exploring internship opportunities.

Additionally, it's advisable to consult with the career services department or the designated internship coordinator at Acharya University for specific information about the payment status of internships within your field of study and program. They will be able to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the payment policies associated with internships at the university.

The duration and schedule of internships at Acharya University can vary depending on the specific internship program, industry, and employer requirements.

Duration: The duration of internships can range from a few weeks to several months. The length of an internship can depend on factors such as the nature of the work, industry standards, and the goals of the internship program. Some internships may be designed to align with academic semesters, while others may have fixed durations set by the employer.

Full-time or Part-time: Internships can be either full-time or part-time positions, depending on the employer's requirements and the student's availability.

Full-time internships typically involve working for a standard workweek, which is usually around 35 to 40 hours per week. These internships provide students with a more immersive and intensive experience, allowing them to gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills within a shorter time frame.

Part-time internships involve working fewer hours per week, typically ranging from 10 to 30 hours. Part-time internships may be suitable for students who wish to balance their time with internship and other academic or personal commitments.

Yes, academic credits can be associated with internships at Acharya University. The university recognizes the value of integrating practical work experience with academic learning and often awards academic credits for internships. Here's how academic credits for internships are typically awarded:

Academic Policies: Each program and department at Acharya University may have its own specific policies regarding internships and the awarding of academic credits. These policies are typically outlined in the program curriculum or student handbook. It's important to consult the specific guidelines set by your program or department to understand the credit requirements for internships.

Credit Hours: Internships are typically assigned a specific number of credit hours, which may vary depending on the duration and intensity of the internship. The number of credit hours awarded for an internship can range from a few to several, depending on the program and the learning outcomes associated with the internship experience.

Learning Objectives: Internships with academic credit often have predefined learning objectives that students are expected to achieve during the internship. These objectives can be established by the academic department or program, and they help ensure that the internship experience aligns with the academic goals and learning outcomes of the program.

Supervision and Evaluation: During the internship, students are typically supervised by both a workplace supervisor (employed by the organization hosting the internship) and an academic supervisor (a faculty member from the university). These supervisors monitor the student's progress, provide guidance, and evaluate the student's performance based on the predefined learning objectives.

Documentation and Assessment: To receive academic credit for an internship, students may be required to complete various documentation and assessment components. This can include regular progress reports, reflective journals, presentations, or a final report summarizing their internship experience and learning outcomes achieved. The specific requirements for documentation and assessment may vary depending on the program or department.